Salba Seed Bread (Gluten-Free)

Salba Seed Bread (Gluten-Free)

Courtesy of Gluten Intolerance Group 10 Servings • 20 Min Prep Time • 50 Min. Cook Time • 1 1 Hr. 15 Min. Marinate Time
1/4 c. water with 1 Tbsp. whole Salba seeds *
1/4 c. warm water
3 Tbsp. honey **
2 tsp. active dry yeast

Dry ingredients:
1/4 c. rice bran
1/3 c. almond meal
1/2 c. sorghum flour
1/3 c. amaranth
1/3 c. millet
1/3 c. arrowroot starch or corn starch
1/4 c. potato starch
1/4 c. tapioca starch
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds, white or black

Wet ingredients:
3 Tbsp. canola oil
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1/2 c. water, orange juice or milk alternative

Salba seeds are a type of chia seed. This bread is equally good for brunch, a quick snack or for sandwiches. It is gluten, dairy, egg, soy, and sugar free, vegan friendly, and a tasty treat! It is also very nutritious because of the Salba seeds, and the rice bran and whole grain flours, which provide B vitamins and fiber. Because of the Salba, this loaf doesn't need binders like xanthan gum, and doesn't sink like many GF breads do.

** use agave nectar for vegan version


1. Preheat oven at 250ºF for 5 minutes then turn off. Line a 8×4-in bread pan with parchment paper with ends hanging over the edge of the pan.

2. Combine water with Salba seeds. Let sit at least 30 minutes, but longer or overnight is fine.

3. Combine all dry ingredients in a big bowl and mix thoroughly.

4. Combine water, honey and yeast and let sit 5-10 minutes or until fizzy.

5. Thoroughly mix dry and wet ingredients separately. Combine and mix vigorously for 1-2 minutes (or use your mixer on medium for about a minute).

6. Put dough in the prepared pan in the slightly-preheated oven (instructions above), or put covered dough in a warm place, like on top of the drying machine. Allow to rise for 45 min to an hour, or until the dough reaches the top of the pan.

7. Preheat oven to 375ºF (wait at least 20 min until oven is hot).

8. Bake for 15 min, then cover with foil and bake for an additional 35-40 min. Check for doneness; loaf should sound hollow when tapped.

8. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then remove bread by pulling up on the parchment paper, and cool.

* Healthy Gluten-Free Cooking Recipe Contest Entry By Cheryl Harris.

* Courtesy of: Gluten Intolerance Group

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